

Created: April 13, 2020

  • 1 L of whole and non-homo milk (preferably  organic and grass fed).  Do not use UTH milk
  • 1 commercially available yogurt starter package
Kitchen Equipment
  • Pot to warm up the milk
  • Food thermometer
  • Dehydrator
  • 1 L mason jar
  • Wooden spoon to mix

To make yogurt you need to introduce bacteria into the milk. Yogurt starters are commercially available from many health food shops. Once you make your first batch of yogurt, you can use some of it as a starter for the next batch. The whey, which is the liquid that you can see in your yogurt, is a good starter as well. You can separate it and store it in another jar, and keep it in the refrigerator until you are ready to make another batch of yogurt. When your own yoghurt or whey don’t work anymore, then it is time to start again with a commercial starter. 

Start by pouring 1 Lt of milk in a pot and warm it up to 180F.  

Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the milk.  There are different kind of thermometers.

Once the temperature of the milk reaches 180F, remove the pot from the stove and let it cool down up to 110F. To make this process faster, you can put your pot inside a bigger pot with cold water.

Once the milk was at the right temperature (110F), fill the 1L mason jar with the milk, half way.

Add the content of 1 package of yogurt starter.  

Mix with a wooden spoon, and then add the rest of the milk into the mason jar and mixed again.  

If you have a big dehydrator, your 1 L mason jar will fit in there.   Since my dehydrator is not very big, I have to split the content of the mason jar in two ½ L jars. 

Close your jar and label it. I labeled my 2 jars.  

Put the jar(s) inside the dehydrator. Set up the temperature for 110F and the timer for 24-26 hours.  The longer the fermentation time inside the dehydrator, the more sour the yoghurt will be, since the bacteria will digest more lactose.

If this is the first time that you make yoghurt, after a few minutes, you can put your thermometer inside the dehydrator and check that the temperature inside is 110F.

Keep your yogurt in the refrigerator.