Russian Custard

Russian Custard

Created: June 18, 2020

  • 8 egg yolks
  • 2 Tbsp of raw unpasteurized honey (or adjust accordingly if you need to)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla or orange juice or lime juice (optional)
Kitchen Equipment 
  • Blender (or hand blender)
  • Measuring spoon
  • Bowl to separate the eggs from the yolks
When I decided to try the GAPS nutritional protocol to improve my gut health, I was really craving for treats.  Once I found the recipe for the Russian Custard (which is GAPS approved), I fell in love with it. It is a satisfying and satiating treat that you can eat by itself or topped with nuts, strawberries or different fresh fruit. Since Russian Custard is made with eggs, it is important to use good quality eggs, from a source you trust. Free-range organic eggs are the best because the hens have better nutrition, and since they spend more time outside, they get good sun exposure.  In addition, they are not raised with antibiotics or hormones. Free-range organic eggs are also better  if you are concerned with Salmonella, which can be found in 1 of 7,000 eggs, generally speaking laid by hens raised in cages. I also encourage you to purchase eggs locally to support small local farms in your area. Eggs are easy to digests and they are a great source of nutrients that your body needs. For this reason, Russian Custard will support your body when you have deficiencies of Vitamins A and D, Zinc and Choline, which is an essential nutrient required for optimal health that might play an important role to support many body functions, like cellular growth, brain and heart function, and helps protect the liver. You can make this Russian Custard with a blender, a hand-held mixer or a whisk.  I like using my blender because, in my opinion, it creates the best consistency. In the recipe I show here, I used vanilla, but you can replace it with orange or lime juice instead.  The ingredients I used here makes 3-4 servings. I love having left overs that I can store in the fridge for the next day or two, however, it is easy to adjust the ingredients of this recipe to make less servings. Some people are very reluctant to try the Russian Custard because of the texture of the egg yolks, but when they try it, they get surprised with its great flavor. I encourage you to give it a try. It will provide so many nutrients to support your health. 

Separate the yolks from the eggs, and place the yolks in a blender. (Remember, you can also use a hand-held mixer or a whisk).  Set the egg whites aside.  Please do not throw them away. They are great to make other healthy recipes.

Add the honey on top of the egg yolks.

Turn on your blender on a low speed, and blend until the yolks get emulsified: the color of the yolks will turn pale and the mixture will thicken. The time to blend it will take longer if you do it with a whisk. I leave my blender working for about 15 minutes, while I cut the fruit and make other things in the kitchen.

If you are going to add flavour to it, you can add it now.  I used Vanilla.

Serve immediately with fruit of nuts, (make sure the nuts are previously soaked and rinsed to make them easier to digest).  You can also refrigerate and serve it cold or even frozen.  Any way you try it, it is delicious!

Enjoy a delicious and nutritious Russian custard treat.