Is Processed Food good for you?

Have we been brainwashed by the Food Industry?
Created: September 21, 2021
We all know that the foods that our body needs to stay healthy, active and full of energy are provided to us by Mother Nature. But what we seem to have forgotten is that we need to eat those foods in the form Mother Nature provides them.
The multi-billion dollar food industry has brainwashed us with processed foods that are very convenient FOR THEM because they are a huge moneymaker. And with so much marketing they make, it is easy to believe what they tell us: that processed food is good for us. Since real food does not keep well over time, they found a way to manipulate it in order to extend its shelf life and make it “convenient” for us. But in the manipulation processes, the food gets chemically altered, loses its nutritional value and most of other properties, like taste & flavor. Then, to compensate for that and to increase the shelf live, they add to it chemicals and additives to change its texture, preservatives to prevent food from rotting, artificial colorants and flavors to make it look and taste good, as well as sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup to create addiction so we go and buy it again. However our bodies were not designed to have these changed foods.
In order to make the processed food more attractive the result of the processing is packed nicely in colorful bags, or tins or boxes, and presented as “food”. But that “Food” is just made to suit commercial purposes.
In addition, many of the chemicals and other ingredients used in processed foods, have been conclusively shown to contribute to hyperactivity, learning disabilities, psychiatric disorders and many other health problems.
-Is processed food convenient? Of course! It brings instant gratification.
-Does it taste good? Of course! Because of all the sugar and chemicals, they add to compensate for the nutrition they remove.
-Is it good for you? Not at all! Processed food makes us sick!
So, instead of looking for diets to follow to feel healthy or lose weight, start eating real foods, and focus on wholefoods that are preferably local (fresher), seasonal (taste better), and if possible organic (free of pesticides), and to stay away from processed foods as much as possible.